Tuesday, February 21, 2006

New York, New York

Well, not exactly. I'm actually in Massachusetts right now, alone. Most of my friends have gone to a local pub to relax before we head out early tomorrow morning. If I hadn't spent most of the afternoon either crying or trying to relax my cried out muscles I'd probably have gone with them, but cigarette smoke is the last thing that I need right now so here I am in front of a computer screen...because eye strain won't hurt me in the least. So much for that excuse.
I was in a Shakespeare workshop all day. It was wonderful, so much better than I expected...I made a break through with my voice and found a power I didn't know how to access before. I will be able to access it again. Thank God for Dave and Lady Anne's grief.
I'll be sad to leave here. The Shakespeare Company are situated in a lovely place. I can almost kid myself into thinking it's out in the country, far from vehicles and noise. Well, the noise part is true but there is a highway not too far away. But the trees! Ahh, the trees, they block most of the noise out. And Rico's cooking - far far better than the best New York hotdog. Nothing against the culture, but roast pork loin, blueberry pie, roasted seasoned potatoes...mmm. I don't eat this well at home.
But tomorrow we head back to the busy city of New York for a day, a day that hopefully I'll be able to get to Ellis Island on because last time I tried the wind had shut the ferry down. At the very least I'll be able to mail the post cards I bought for my family in Canada.
And now I really should go to bed. Breakfast at 7:30 seems retardedly early but for Rico, I'll do it.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

At Long Last

February 6th 2006:

I am tired and should be getting ready for bed. Instead I have just spent half an hour trying to get my computer to recognize that it can indeed save information on my floppy discs. Argh. I had to restart it and then it was fine. No one try to explain why an inanimate object can have such a temperamental approach to various tasks.

I hear a man’s voice. Specifically a guy that I kind of like. I’m not sure what to do about it, or if I should. Right now I think being friends is important and good and when I logically think about it, going any further is a silly idea. So complicated. I’ve written on this before, and by all rights it shouldn’t even be an issue. But humanity would be dull if it kept to it’s own rules.

I think I will though. I have too much going on to add anything at this point.

I have a more relaxed week this week, which doesn’t explain why my neck muscles are cramping up and trying to crawl into my hair. Maybe I’ve been staring at a computer screen too much today – this makes 3 solid hours. Not consecutive, but that hardly matters to my muscles.

I should wash my face, brush my teeth, and lie down to the soothing strains of REM and “Night Swimming”. That song is really mellow. “Automatic for the People” has gotten me through the past week of insanity.

Class from 9 am to 10 pm…with lunch and supper breaks…six days a week. Either academic, like Theatre History, or studio, like rehearsals. Or a practicum; building 18th Century clothing from scratch, which I actually enjoy but it does take its toll on my sanity.

On the other hand, I made a really cool bag yesterday. It was an old pair of jeans but now it is a wicked cool bag that I will bring with me to New York next week when I go to see wonderful theatre and take part in amazing workshops for two weeks.

I can finish this whenever I want to, so I’ll go to bed now and let this ferment in my head while I sleep.

February 7, 2006
It is 7 pm on a Tuesday evening. I had a pretty relaxed day today – my acting coach started into rehearsals for a show today so I only had voice coaching. I did meet with my scene partner and we went through the scene and broke it into chunks (beats) for performance. It was fun and I’m glad we’re getting started. It’s been slow going.
In my voice lesson I had a good day too. I am trying hard to overcome a fearful, pinched off sound and today I only ‘yodeled’ one note (several times) and then I actually got it too. My coach is a very encouraging but demanding person but today it was all “That was good.” “That sounded great.” If she’s saying it, it’s true. She doesn’t lie about that sort of thing (which has been discouraging in the past but today was wonderful).
And for the morning we got to sit and listen to a read through of the up coming play. It’s called “Drawer Boy” (as in the boy who draws) and it’s a heart breaker. I love it and wish I could have heard the director’s vision because he’ll somehow pull hope out of it. The ending is pretty…well, I don’t know. Not sad, not crushing, but it definitely isn’t happy either. But the story is good and much worth telling.
My day has been really good and I’m glad. It’s about time, I think. Not stressful, not overwhelming, but a day of good progress. Thank you, God.