Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Random Thoughts for the New Year

My youngest brother broke up with his girlfriend last night.

This time I think it might stick.

This is a first for our family, which continues youngest brother’s fine tradition of being the first one of us to do anything. It’s a little embarrassing as the oldest to have him constantly beat me to the finish with things, but then again there are some things I’m perfectly happy to watch someone else do them first so I can learn from their mistakes, or, even better, simply avoid doing completely.

I saw them together a few times over the holidays and they seemed okay but I knew from talking to him that things were pretty rocky. I’m not surprised they broke up, although I’m a little surprised that he did the breaking.


My holidays have been pretty eventful, I suppose. I didn’t do a lot. I stayed at home for the most part, used the computer, burned myself some CD’s…did a bit of shopping and spent some time with family members…went to two family gatherings…went for a very long walk by myself…talked to S. on the phone…wrote…memorized lines…realized that I haven’t done any of my Faith and Art homework (sorry, Steve)…and I learned a lot about myself. Things I can honestly say I didn’t learn willingly. I’m egocentric and arrogant. I’m wilful and territorial. I also have a healthy dose of aggression.

I also came to the conclusion that two adult women who are related should never share a house for more than a week, and that if anyone uses the phrase ‘co-dependant’ around me again I may very well unleash some of my aggression on them. But both my mother and I are still alive so I would say the holidays were a success.

I think I can safely say that I have never been such a pain in the ass as I’ve been these holidays. I’ve been argumentative and in such weird moods. Even I don’t know why. I think it is a good thing that I’m going back to my own little village tomorrow – as much as my mother might miss me, she’ll be glad to have a break from me for a while.


I bought a laptop in December. It was supposed to be here by now but Purolator lost it somewhere, so now Dell is looking for it. If they can’t find it (and I’m not sure how they will if the Purolator people can’t) then they are going to build me another one. I’m very impressed with Dell – not very impressed with Purolator. At least I’m still getting the computer, even if it will arrive two weeks later than it was supposed to.


My cat has vanished again. When it gets cold he goes to his second family for better treatment, which I understand but it does mean that I don’t see him for months on end. He hasn’t shown his whiskery face the entire time I’ve been home. Instead, Mack (an orange stray) has been sunning himself on the deck. Emma, my dog, has been here and happy to see me. S. sincerely prefers cats to dogs – he thinks that dogs are useless – but Emma was here when Felix abandoned me for creature comforts.

I’ve been considering getting a kitten, and now I won’t feel like I’m betraying Felix quite so badly.


Whispering Heart said...

hey sis, brother is not actually broken up. just very close...i think they are trying to make up (weather its a good or bad thing...)

Anonymous said...

How's school going? I need to get your email address! :D cya