Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Darkness

I've been watching a lot of Dexter recently. He talks about the Darkness he has living inside him, that darkness he has to feed else it take over his life.

I can't relate. Not entirely.

Lately I've been struggling. Isn't that how all my posts go? Struggle should be a tag for my posts. Oh wait, it already is.

Last summer I was depressed. It felt like the world was one big dark hole and I was being sucked into it against my will and there was nothing I could do to stop the world around me from falling apart.

If we hadn't gotten Z. I don't know what would have happened. Z. made me get up in the morning. I had to do things because she needed me to.

I feel that dark vacuum sneaking up on me again and I'm panicking a bit. I think I'm aware enough to stop it - to reach out and socialize and keep myself from falling apart - but what if I'm deluding myself? What if there's nothing I can do to keep it from grabbing me again?

I can't stomach another summer like that.

S. and I can't survive another summer like that.

So I'm writing about it. It seems like a slightly futile effort but it's all I have right now.

I'm currently fighting the pull of the black hole, and today I'm winning.

Yesterday I lost. But today I'm winning.

Perhaps that all I can do, go one day at a time and hope that I win more often than I lose.


Erin said...

Thinking of you. I struggled for a long time until I finally made a doctor's appt and got on meds. I'm not saying you should do that (unsolicited advice is pretty sucky lol). I just mention it to say that I might understand where you're at. Sometimes it helps to know you're not alone.


Daphne @ Daphne Alive said...

This is going to sound completely funny, but that sounds like me when my doctor switches my birth control and I go through the first three months in a deep dark hole. OR for me winter-time is a deep dark depressing COLD hole. Maybe it's a summer thing? Anyways, thinking about you and sending virtual huggies!


Pru said...

Thank you both! It does help to know I'm not alone. It was partially a hormonal imbalance and partly an echo from a few years ago pushing in on me. I find it so odd that the winter is my emotional up time - not many people find it that way!